I Love Afterschool
Join us as we celebrate Afterschool on Valentine’s Day! Use our social media kit to share your love for afterschool and urge your policy makers to support funding for afterschool and summer learning programs.
We Love Afterschool!
There are millions of reasons to love afterschool. Afterschool programs keep kids safe, inspire learning, and help working families. Help tell the world why you, your students, and your community love your afterschool program by participating in I Love Afterschool on Valentine's Day!
How to Participate
1) Print this page - have your students and families fill it out!
2) Send us a photo, scan, or mail completed I Love Afterschool pages to us (email them to hlong@alaskachildrenstrust.org or mail them to: Alaska Afterschool Network, 6591 A Street Suite 110, Anchorage, AK 99518). Send them to us no later than Friday February 7.
3) On I Heart Afterschool Day, post them to your favorite social media sites with the hashtag #IHeartAfterschool and tag @akafterschool, or simply share an afterschool photo or message of your own!
And you’re done! Follow the hashtag and see how other afterschool programs are showing their love.
Get creative
You don’t just have to use the printable. If you or your students have another idea to show off why they love afterschool, we want to see those, too! A few possibilities:
Encourage students to express themselves through art by illustrating their love for afterschool with a drawing or painting.
Have youth participate in a festive Valentine’s Day science, engineering, or math project.
Get kids moving around with an active Valentine’s Day-themed game.
Show Afterschool Love on Social Media
Right click on an image and then select “Save Image As…” to save it to your desktop. Then, you can upload it to any social media platform you’d like!
Want to magnify your impact? Personalized messages resonate with policymakers. Find and tag your representatives with this simple tool.