Our Affiliations
The Alaska Afterschool Network is well-suited to do our important work thanks to strong relationships with local and national organizations.
Alaska Children’s Trust
As the statewide lead organization focused on the prevention of child abuse and neglect, Alaska Children’s Trust is committed to ensuring Alaska’s children and families live in safe, stable and nurturing environments. This includes the high-risk hours before and after school when children are most like to be left without direct parental or adult supervision and are most at risk of being victims of violent crime, juvenile delinquency, gang violence, and engage in risk-behaviors such as substance abuse and suicide. The Alaska Afterschool Network is a program of the Alaska Children’s Trust.
Learn more about Alaska Children’s Trust.
The 50 State Afterschool Network
The 50 State Afterschool Network is an ecosystem of practitioners, researchers, technical assistance providers and afterschool champions, working to expand the quality, scope, and impact of learning experiences for young people across the country. Since 2002, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation has provided financial support and technical assistance to the statewide afterschool networks. The return on investment is clear: networks are impactful in coordinating with partners to increase access to afterschool and summer learning programs and improve the quality, scope, and impact of learning experiences for young people.
Learn more about the 50 State Afterschool Network.
National AfterSchool Association
The Alaska Afterschool Network is the Alaska Affiliate of the National AfterSchool Association (NAA). NAA and its State Affiliates share a mutual purpose and agreement to support, develop, and advocate for Out-of-School Time (OST) professionals and the profession. NAA and its State Affiliates build connectivity among stakeholders and create opportunities for engagement to ensure a vibrant future for the Out-of-School Time profession.
OST professionals who live in Alaska are eligible for a free NAA membership because of our affiliation. To receive a free NAA membership, OST professionals must work in Alaska and be signed up for our weekly newsletter or register to attend the Alaska Out-of-School Time Conference. If you prefer, NAA membership may be purchased directly from NAA on a sliding scale from $25 to $150.
Learn more about the National AfterSchool Association.
Million Girls Moonshot
The Million Girls Moonshot seeks to re-imagine who can engineer, who can build, and who can make. It inspires and prepares the next generation of innovators by engaging millions more girls in STEM learning opportunities through afterschool and summer programs.
The Moonshot is active in out-of-school programs in all 50 states, leveraging the Mott-funded 50 State Afterschool Network, which has access to more than 10 million youth and 100,000 afterschool programs across the country.
Learn more about the Million Girls Moonshot.