Start a Program

Interested in starting up an afterschool program in your community?  We invite you to utilize these resources:

  • "Start Here": What if there is no afterschool program in your community?  Don’t give up!  This document includes the very first steps to building support for starting a program in your community.
  • Beyond the Bell Start-up Guide:  This research-based tool walks you through the foundation of starting a high-quality afterschool program and provides the templates and tools to help you achieve your goal.  
  • Starting a Program in Rural Areas: This guide was developed from stories and contributions of successful afterschool programs in rural areas that were built from the ground up to respond to community needs.
  • Building & Managing Quality Afterschool Programs: Learn how to effectively oversee daily operations, support staff, and sustain strong relationships with stakeholders.
  • Advisory Council: Want to jump into forming a program?  This great resource is a great starting place for forming an Advisory Council who can and should be your primary supporters!
  • Starting Your Afterschool Program:  This guide, created in partnership between Utah Department of Workforce Services and Utah State University Extension 4-H, provides an in-depth review of afterschool, why it’s important, and the steps necessary to begin a program in your community.
  • SEDL Start-up Guide: This tool is a comprehensive 123-page document full of resources for programming, planning, organizing, managing, and sustaining your afterschool program.  The authors provide a great summary of what is helpful from the recommended resource, the price, and where to get it.  They also include a multi-page section with free website resources.
  • There are also more resources available from the Afterschool Alliance, and we invite you to contact us with questions. We would love to assist you in beginning an afterschool program in your community!